What happened to Aboriginal land in 1794?
Indonesian trepang fishermen visit northern Australian Continent.
Dutchman Willem Jansz and his ship Duyfken explore the western coast of Cape York Peninsula and had been the first Europeans having experience of Australian Aboriginal people. There were clashes between the two teams.
The Spaniard Luis Vaez De Torres sailed through Torres Strait.
Dutchman Jan Carstenz described a number of armed activities with Aboriginal people in the north coast of Australian Continent. Shots were fired and an Aboriginal guy had been struck.
Englishman William Dampier visited the west coastline of Australia.
Anticipating that Captain Cook would uncover the great southern land he had been granted with unique instructions to "utilizing the permission associated with the natives just take possession of convenient situations when you look at the title of King... or you find the land uninhabited simply take control for their Majesty".
April 29 Captain James Cook into the Endeavour entered Botany Bay. After an encounter with local people in Botany Bay Cook wrote that "all they appear'd to wish was united states is gone".
August 18 the British Government decided to go with Botany Bay as a penal colony.
18 January Captain Arthur Phillip entered Botany Bay. A complete of nine boats sailed into Botany Bay over 3 days.
Aboriginal people watched the arrival.
25 January Phillip sailed to Port Jackson and between 25 January and 6 February 1 000 officials, marines, dependents and convicts came ashore.
Frenchman Los Angeles Perouse as well as 2 vessels arrive at Botany Bay and continue to be until March 10.
Weight and dispute between Europeans and Aborigines begins practically straight away.
Early February the French fire on Aboriginal individuals at Botany Bay.
29 May 1st conflict amongst the First Fleet arrivals and Aboriginal people occurs near Rushcutters Bay, Sydney. Two convicts are killed.
December, Arabanoo could be the very first Aboriginal person grabbed by Europeans.
Captain Phillip estimates there are 1 500 Aboriginal people staying in the Sydney Region.
April, smallpox decimates the Aboriginal population of Port Jackson, Botany Bay and cracked Bay. The condition distribute inland and over the coastline.
The settlement spreads to Rose Hill, later known as Parramatta.
November, Governor Phillip captures two Aboriginal guys - Bennelong and Colebee. Colebee escapes but Bennelong is held at national House for five months.
Bennelong and a kid known as Yemmerrawanie tend to be taken to England by Phillip. Bennelong fulfills George III. Yemmarrawanie dies in The United Kingdomt. In 1795 Bennelong comes back to Australian Continent.
September, Pemulwuy spears Phillip's gamekeeper, John McEntire, and Phillip requests the very first punitive expedition. Pemulwuy and his boy Tedbury led Aboriginal weight within the Sydney location in a guerrilla promotion lasting many years.
Time-expired convicts approved land around Parramatta.
Colonists distribute to Prospect Hill, Kissing aim, Northern Boundary, the Ponds and the Field of Mars.
By August, 70 colonists farming on Hawkesbury. Aboriginal men and women dispossessed of the land.
Punitive party go after Pemulwuy and about 100 Aboriginal people to Parramatta. Pemulwuy is wounded and captured but later on escapes.
Colonists dispossess Aboriginal folks of land around Georges River flats and Bankstown.
Two Aboriginal boys killed near Windsor by five Hawkesbury settlers. a court martial discovered all of them bad but referred sentencing into the Secretary of State for Colonies as well as the men are released on bail. Governor Hunter is remembered. Acting-Governor King is instructed to pardon the men.
Starting of a six-year amount of weight to white settlement by Aboriginal people into the Hawkesbury and Parramatta areas. Known as the 'Black Wars'.
April, Governor King orders Aboriginal individuals collecting around Parramatta, Georges River and Prospect Hill "to be driven straight back from the settler's habitation by firing at them".
Summer 30, Proclamation stating: "His Majesty forbids any act of injustice or wanton cruelty to the Natives, the settler is certainly not to suffer their home become invaded or his presence put at risk by them, in preserving which he is to try using the effectual, but at the same time the essential humane, way of resisting these types of attacks".
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